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Slack Integrations


Slack is used by numerous organizations as their primary chat and collaboration tool. 

Please note the Audit Logs API is only available to Slack workspaces on an Enterprise Grid plan. These API methods will not work for workspaces on a Free, Standard, or Business+ plan. 


The procedures described in Section 3 assumes that a Log Collector has already been setup 



Enabling the integration in Elastic 

  1. In Kibana go to Management > Integrations 

  1. In the "Search for integrations" search bar type Slack. 

  1. Click on "Slack" integration from the search results. 

  1. Click on Add Slack button to add Slack integration. 

Configure Slack audit logs data stream 

Enter values "OAuth API Token". 

  1. OAuth API Token will be generated when a Slack App is created. 


For the Slack integration to be able to successfully get logs the following "User Token Scopes"" must be granted to the Slack App: 

  • auditlogs:read 



Audit logs summarize the history of changes made within the Slack Enterprise. 


SLACK IntegrationProcedures 

Please provide the following information to CyTech: 

Collect Slack logs via API 

  1. API URL - The root URL for the API endpoints. 

Slack Audit logs 

  1. OAuth API Token - The OAuth API Token used to authenticate with the Slack API