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Team Viewer Integrations

Remote File Copy via TeamViewer  

Identifies an executable or script file remotely downloaded via a TeamViewer transfer session. 

Rule type: eql  

Rule indices:  

  • winlogbeat-*  


  • logs-windows.*  

Severity: medium  

Risk score: 47  

Runs every: 5m  

Searches indices from: now-9m (Date Math format, see alsoAdditional look-back time)  

Maximum alerts per execution: 100  




  • Elastic  

  • Host  

  • Windows  

  • Threat Detection  

  • Command and Control  


Rule authors 

  • Elastic  

Rule license: Elastic License v2 

Rule query 

file where event.type == "creation" and : "TeamViewer.exe" and  

  file.extension : ("exe", "dll", "scr", "com", "bat", "ps1", "vbs", "vbe", "js", "wsh", "hta")  

Framework: MITRE ATT&CKTM 

  • Tactic:  

      • Name: Command and Control  

      • ID: TA0011  

      • Reference URL: 

  • Technique:  

      • Name: Ingress Tool Transfer  

      • ID: T1105  

      • Reference URL:  

  • Technique:  

      • Name: Remote Access Software  

      • ID: T1219  

      • Reference URL:  


TeamViewer Integration Procedure 

  1. Install the Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Logstash) on your Ubuntu machine by following the instructions provided on the Elastic website.  

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

  1. Once you have installed and configured the Elastic Stack, navigate to the Logstash directory and create a new configuration file for the TeamViewer logs by running the command:  


Copy and paste the following Logstash configuration into the file:  


Description automatically generated 

  1. Save and close the file.  

  1. Start Logstash by running the command: 


  1. Ensure that Logstash is properly reading and processing the TeamViewer logs by checking the Logstash logs in the /var/log/logstash/ directory.  

  1. Navigate to the Kibana web interface by opening a web browser and entering the URL: http://localhost:5601/.  

  1. In Kibana, click on the "Discover" tab to view your logs.  

  1. Click on the "Create index pattern" button and enter the name of the TeamViewer index pattern (e.g. teamviewer-*).  

  1. Select the time range for the logs you want to view, and click on the "Create index pattern" button.  

  1. You should now see a list of logs from your TeamViewer deployment. You can filter the logs based on various criteria like severity, source, or date.  

  1. You can also create custom dashboards or visualizations to monitor specific aspects of your TeamViewer deployment, such as usage patterns or connection quality.  

  1. If you encounter any issues with your TeamViewer deployment, you can use the logs to identify the root cause and take corrective action. 



Source: ChatGPT  

  1. Elastic official documentation:  

  1. Logstash output plugin documentation:  

  1. Kibana official documentation: