Cloudflare Integration
Cloudflare integration uses Cloudflare's API to retrieve audit logs and traffic logs from Cloudflare, for a particular zone, and ingest them into Elasticsearch. This allows you to search, observe and visualize the Cloudflare log events through Elasticsearch.
Users of Cloudflare use Cloudflare services to increase the security and performance of their web sites and services.
To enable the Cloudflare Logpush, please refer to Section 5. Currently, the procedures described is for the setup of Amazon S3.
The procedures described in Section 3 assumes that a Log Collector has already been setup.
Configure Cloudflare audit logs data stream
Enter values "Auth Email", "Auth Key" and "Account ID".
Auth Email is the email address associated with your account.
Auth Key is the API key generated on the "My Account" page.
Account ID can be found on the Cloudflare dashboard. Follow the navigation documentation from here.
Configure Cloudflare logs
These logs contain data related to the connecting client, the request path through the Cloudflare network, and the response from the origin web server. For more information see here.
The integration can retrieve Cloudflare logs using -
Auth Email and Auth Key
API Token More information is available here.
Enter values "Auth Email", "Auth Key" and "Zone ID".
- Auth Email is the email address associated with your account.
- Auth Key is the API key generated on the "My Account" page.
- Zone ID can be found here.
Enter values "API Token" and "Zone ID".
For the Cloudflare integration to be able to successfully get logs the following permissions must be granted to the API token -
Account.Access: Audit Logs: Read
- API Tokens allow for more granular permission settings.
- Zone ID can be found here.
Audit logs summarize the history of changes made within your Cloudflare account. Audit logs include account-level actions like login and logout, as well as setting changes to DNS, Crypto, Firewall, Speed, Caching, Page Rules, Network, and Traffic features, etc.
These logs contain data related to the connecting client, the request path through the Cloudflare network, and the response from the origin web server.
Cloudflare Integration Procedures
Please provide the following information to CyTech:
See the Screenshot Below
Audit Logs
Auth Email -
Auth Key
Account ID
Cloudflare Logs
Auth Token
Zone ID
Enable Logpush to Amazon S3
To enable the Cloudflare Logpush service:
Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard.
Select the Enterprise account or domain you want to use with Logpush.
Go to Analytics & Logs > Logs.
Select Add Logpush job. A modal window opens where you will need to complete several steps.
Select the dataset you want to push to a storage service.
Select the data fields to include in your logs. Add or remove fields later by modifying your settings in Logs > Logpush.
Select Amazon S3.
Enter or select the following destination information:
Bucket path
Daily subfolders
Bucket region
Encryption constraint in bucket policy
For Grant Cloudflare access to upload files to your bucket, make sure your bucket has a policy (if you did not add it already):
Copy the JSON policy, then go to your bucket in the Amazon S3 console and paste the policy in Permissions > Bucket Policy and click Save.
Click Validate access.
Enter the Ownership token (included in a file or log Cloudflare sends to your provider) and click Prove ownership. To find the ownership token, click the Open button in the Overview tab of the ownership challenge file.
Click Save and Start Pushing to finish enabling Logpush.
Once connected, Cloudflare lists Amazon S3 as a connected service under Logs > Logpush. Edit or remove connected services from here.