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Adding Log Collector in Windows

Please follow the steps below to manually add a Log Collector using Windows Environment.

Step 1: Log in to your CISO Workplace and click the rectangular dots.


Step 2: Click "Cyber Monitoring".
Step 3: Go to "Cyber Incident Management (SIEM and XDR)".


Step 4: Go to "Settings".


Step 5: Go to "Log Collector".
Step 6: Click "Add Log Collector".


Step 7:  A pop window will show. Add a description that can easily identify the Log Collector.
Step 8: Click "Submit".


Step 9: After proceeding into the next page. Click on the "Windows" panel to display the windows command needed for installing the Elastic Agent.
Step 10: Take NOTE of the commands. You will need it in Step 12.


Step 11: Go to your Windows Environment and Run PowerShell as Administrator.


Step 12: Copy and Paste the command from Step 10. Make sure to copy it correctly. Individually execute the commands in PowerShell CLI to avoid unexpected errors. Some commands will take time executing. So, wait for it to process. A successful executions of the commands results in new line as shown in the image.
When prompt "Elastic Agent will be installed at ....", just type "Y" to proceed with the installation.
Step 13: After installing the Elastic Agent, you will see a "Successfully enrolled the Elastic Agent" and "Elastic Agent has been successfully installed".


Step 14: Go to back to CISO Workplace and proceed with the installation.
Just click "Next" to proceed.


Step 15: After proceeding in the next page. It will show "Checking Agent" and "Successfully added:___". An Agent Name will show with its corresponding IP Address and Status. You should have the same output in the picture below. Showing a successfullsuccessful installation of the Elastic Agent and a successfullsuccessful addition in CISO Workplace.
Click "Next" to proceed in final steps.


Step 16: These shows an overall success of the installation.
Click "Explore Now" to finish set up.


Step 17:  In the Log Collector List you can view the recent Log Collector installed with its Agent Name, Status, IP Address and an API Key.
These also shows the current Log Collectors installed in your  CISO Workplace.
