Whitelist in VIPRE
If your organization uses VIPRE's Email Security for spam filtering, you can whitelist CyTech to allow our simulated phishing emails and training notifications to reach your end users. You can also whitelist CyTech's phishing and landing domains in VIPRE Endpoint Security to allow your users to access phishing test landing pages.
The instructions below are for third-party software. If you have issues whitelisting CyTech in VIPRE, we recommend that you contact VIPRE for assistance.
Whitelisting by IP Address
Typically, we recommend whitelisting our IP addresses in your spam filter. To whitelist our IP addresses with VIPRE Email Security, follow VIPRE's Guided Setup of VIPRE Email Security Cloud and whitelist by IP address.
Note: Contact CyTech for a list of IPs.
Whitelisting by Hostname
If you are unable to whitelist by IP address, you can whitelist our mail server hostnames instead. To whitelist our hostnames with VIPRE Email Security, follow VIPRE's Guided Setup of VIPRE Email Security Cloud article and whitelist by domain.
Note: Contact CyTech for a list hostnames.
Whitelisting Landing Pages
To allow landing pages attached to your phishing campaigns to reach your users, you can whitelist our phishing and landing domains. To whitelist phishing and landing domains in VIPRE Endpoint Security, request the list of root phishing and landing domains from the CyTech support team. Then, see VIPRE's Add Allowed Websites article to add these domains to VIPRE.
Important: You will need to add each domain to a policy manually and individually. However, once you have a list of domains created under one policy, you can copy the list to another policy by using the Copy To… button.
Note: After following the instructions in this article, we recommend setting up a test phishing campaign for one or two users to ensure your whitelisting was successful. If your whitelisting was unsuccessful, we recommend that you contact VIPRE for assistance.
If you need further assistance, kindly contact our support at support@cytechint.com for prompt assistance and guidance.