Whitelist in SpamAssassin
If you're utilizing SpamAssassin's spam filtering, you can whitelist CyTech to allow our simulated phishing test emails and training notifications through to your end users.
Although there is typically not an interface for SpamAssassin, you can edit your custom SpamAssassin config file to add rules allowing CyTech's emails through–based on the header and IP address of the phishing tests.
The instructions below are for a third-party software. If you run into issues whitelisting CyTech in SpamAssassin, we recommend reaching out to SpamAssassin for specific instructions. You can also contact our support team whenever you need assistance.
Below you can see the rules you'll want to add. Please make sure to substitute the text in red with our IP addresses.
Note: Contact CyTech for the list of IPs.
Important: This rule set contains lines for both US and EU IP addresses, you'll only need to include the IPs for the server where your account resides.
header __CyTech_HEADER X-PHISHTEST =~ /\bCyTech\b/iheader __CyTech_RCVD_US_001 Received =~ /\[xx\.xx\.xxx\.xxx\]/header __CyTech_RCVD_US_002 Received =~ /\[xx\.xx\.xxx\.xxx\]/header __CyTech_RCVD_US_003 Received =~ /\[xx\.xxx\.xxx\.xxx\]/meta __CyTech_RCVD_US (__CyTech_RCVD_US_001 || __CyTech_RCVD_US_002 || __CyTech_RCVD_US_003) header __CyTech_RCVD_EU_001 Received =~ /\[xx\.xx\.xxx\.xxx\]/header __CyTech_RCVD_EU_002 Received =~ /\[xx\.xx\.xxx\.xxx\]/header __CyTech_RCVD_EU_003 Received =~ /\[xxx\.xxx\.xxx\.xxx\]/meta __CyTech_RCVD_EU (__CyTech_RCVD_EU_001 || __CyTech_RCVD_EU_002 || __CyTech_RCVD_EU_003) meta CyTech (__CyTech_HEADER && (__CyTech_RCVD_US || __CyTech_RCVD_EU)) describe CyTech Mail is from CyTechscore CyTech -20.0
Note: After following this article, we recommend setting up a test phishing campaign to 1-2 users to ensure your whitelisting was successful. As a last resource, we suggest reaching out to your service provider for assistance.
If you need further assistance, kindly contact our support at support@cytechint.com for prompt assistance and guidance.