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Whitelist for Harmony Email & Collaboration in Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace

If your organization uses Harmony Email & Collaboration (formally Avanan), you can whitelist CyTech in Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace to ensure that our simulated phishing and training notification emails are delivered. To whitelist CyTech, you can create rules in Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace to communicate to Harmony Email & Collaboration that messages from CyTech don't need to be blocked or filtered. These rules can help our emails reach your users' Microsoft Exchange and Gmail inboxes.

If you experience issues whitelisting CyTech for Avanan, we recommend directly reaching out to Harmony Email & Collaboration for assistance. You can also contact our support team and we'll be happy to assist you.

Important: Some whitelisting configurations may not be available in environments outside of the US.

Whitelisting in Harmony Email & Collaboration for Microsoft 365

To whitelist CyTech in Microsoft 365, you will need to create a mail flow rule in the Exchange admin center. This rule will look for CyTech’s IP addresses and add a header that lets Harmony Email & Collaboration know that the email is safe.

To set up this mail flow rule, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Microsoft Admin console.
  2. From the navigation panel, navigate to Admin centers > Exchange. You can also access the Exchange admin center by navigating to
  3. From the navigation panel, navigate to Mail flow > Rules.
  4. At the top of the page, click Add a rule.
  5. From the drop-down menu, select Create a new rule. The New transport rule pop-up window will open. 
  6. In the Name field, enter a name for the rule, such as "CyTech whitelisting".
  7. In the Apply this rule if drop-down menu, select the sender. Then, select IP address is any of these ranges or exactly matches. When you select this option, a specify IP address ranges pop-up window will display.
  8. In the pop-up window, enter CyTech’s IP addresses. After entering each IP address, click AddNote: Contact CyTech for a list of IPs or hostnames.
  9. After you've entered all the IP addresses, click Save.
  10. In the Do the following drop-down menu, select Modify the message properties. Then select set a message header.
  11. Click the first Enter text option under the Do the following menu.
  12. The message header pop-up window will open. In the text field, enter "X-CLOUD-SEC-AV-Info" into the field. 
  13. Click the Save.
  14. Select the second Enter text option.
  15. The message header pop-up window will open. In the text field, enter "[portalname],office365_emails,inline", but replace "[portalname]" with the name of your Avanan Harmony Email & Collaboration portal.
  16. Click the Save.
  17. Click Next at the bottom of the page. You’ll be taken to the Set rule settings page. 
  18. In the Rule mode section, select Enforce.
  19. Select the Stop processing more rules check box.
  20. Click Next at the bottom of the page. You’ll be taken to the Review and finish page.
  21. Ensure your settings are correct, then click Finish.
  22. Move the priority of the rule you just made above your Avanan Harmony Email - Protect mail flow rule.

Whitelisting in Harmony Email & Collaboration for Google Workspace

To whitelist CyTech for Gmail, you will need to create a new content compliance rule and modify an existing Harmony Email & Collaboration rule. The new rule will identify CyTech’s IP addresses and add a header that lets Harmony Email & Collaboration know that the message is safe. Creating this rule will prevent SmartPhish and any sandboxing tools that your organization uses from blocking simulated phishing tests and training notifications.

First, create a content compliance rule by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Google Admin console.
  2. From the Admin console home page, navigate to Apps > Google Workspace > Gmail.

Tip: If you manage more than one organization, select the organization where you would like to apply the rule from the navigation panel.

  1. Select the Compliance section.
  2. Navigate to the Content Compliance subsection.
  3. Click the Configure or Add Another button, depending on whether you have already added a rule. The Add setting pop-up window will open.
  4. Under Content compliance, enter a description of this rule, such as "CyTech whitelisting".
  5. In the Email messages to affect section, select the Inbound check box.
  6. In the Expressions section, click Add. A pop-up window will open.
  7. In the first drop-down menu, select Metadata match.
  8. Under the Attribute drop-down menu, select Source IP
  9. In the Match type drop-down menu, select the Source IP is within the following range.  
  10. In the Match type field, enter one of CyTech’s IP addresses. Note: Contact CyTech for a list of IPs.
  11. Click Save. Repeat steps 8-12 for each of CyTech’s IP addresses.
  12. Below the Expressions section, click Add.
  13. In the first drop-down menu, select Metadata match.
  14. Under the Attribute drop-down menu, select Source IP.
  15. In the Match type drop-down menu, select Source IP is not within the following range.
  16. In the Match type text box, enter one of CyTech’s IP addresses.
  17. Click Save.
  18. Repeat steps 14-19 for each of CyTech’s IP addresses.
  19. In the Headers section, select the Add custom headers check box.
  20. In the Custom headers field, click Add.

  21. In the Header key field, enter "X-CLOUD-SEC-AV-Info".

  22. In the Header value field, enter "[portalname],google_mail,inline", but replace "[portalname]"with the name of your Harmony Email & Collaboration portal.

  23. Click Save.

  24. Review your settings, then click Save.

If you need further assistance, kindly contact our support at for prompt assistance and guidance.