Threat Intelligence
This advanced module operates as a virtual threat analyst, continuously gathering, analyzing, and enriching threat data from various sources to provide actionable insights and proactive threat mitigation strategies. It empowers organizations to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats and make informed decisions to safeguard their critical assets.
Key Features:
Threat Intelligence Dashboard: The Threat Intelligence Dashboard is a comprehensive tool that offers a visual representation of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. It includes features such as Social Network visualization, Trending, tracks mention of an organization over time and references to top industries in cyber threat reports, providing insights into potential targets. The Scanning feature provides insights into threat actors’ probing activities, while Top Scan Results highlight significant findings from these scans.
Social Footprint: Social Footprint measures, manages, and reports an organization’s social sustainability performance. It helps organizations understand their social risks and impacts and communicate their social sustainability efforts effectively.
Scan: The Scan feature automates the process of examining a system or network for any behavior or information that might signify a threat or vulnerability.
Domain Scan: The Domain Scan tool automates the process of investigating a specific domain for potential threats or vulnerabilities.
Feed: The Feed feature in a threat intelligence news feed is a real-time, continuous data stream that gathers information related to cyber risks or threats.
User Manual:
Threat Intelligence Dashboard
Click the “Threat Intelligence Module” to navigate to the TI Dashboard
Threat Intelligence Side Navigation Menu
Social Footprint
Click Scan to set a Schedule for Scan. Add the details of the target to scan, then click submit. After scanning, view the Scan History to see previous scanned targets. Select any title in the table to view the data. Summary of the data after scanning will be displayed.
Schedule for Scan
Scan board
Scan history
Summary of Data
Domain Scan
Click Domain Scan, then click the New Scan Button. Input the Name of the target and the target domain, then click Scan Now. After the scan, click the scanned target to view the data. Data shown are the result of a scanned domain. Click on one of the correlations to view the vulnerabilities of the hosts.
Target view data
Scanned domain
Host Vulnerabilities view
Click the Feed, select a cyber news site, and click View More to view the list of news on that site. Select any news to read.
Feel free to adjust the template further as needed!
View more
List of News in Bleeping Computer site.
Select any News
If you need further assistance, kindly contact our support at for prompt assistance and guidance.
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